About Love, Forgive. Commentary basead the
great love of God and the Son Jesus Christ.
Readers Noble (as) I wrote a book based on
love, and forgiveness that one day we too loved, and forgave us first. Yes: I'm talking about
"Jesus Christ." In this book I have tried to show the
biblical examples that "God" from the day that the first sin entered
the world, and precisely the garden of Eden, and the first man named Adam was
expelled from paradise.
This theme is to show everyone that, About
Love, Forgive, for so did "God" to us all God, in doing so, he began to prepare for the
coming of the Savior, "Jesus Christ." This happened thousands of
years later, but the Savior came to earth born of a virgin named Mary, who gave
birth to The Saviour, in desert, and in a manger. Unfortunately there was not a
decent place to "He" was born. God's love for all
humanity was infinite: even his unfaithful people, God did not give up love and
forgive your people. You who have not read the bible, know that
the biggest loser is you. Since the first sin, the first lie, the
first physical death, caused by Cain, God punished harshly those who deserved
to be punished. But he's not like us, who keeps hurts,
resentment, bitterness, and hatred. One day God thought of
destroying the world, and end up with everything a day "It" was
created with much love. Prostitution that for God, not just sex,
it covers everything that is not pleasing to God, kind, prostitution, adultery,
fornication, idolatry, worship of all that is the true God. Magic,
witchcraft, etc. efeminismo. for the sake of a fair called Noah,
God gave opportunity to all residents at that time, to repent, and leave out
everything that is not pleasing to the Lord, and that the world today think the
most normal and natural as possible. Only the family of Noah
entered the ark, along with all kinds of couples, not same-sex couple, as the
world today think is normal, but it is not. The flood came and
killed all those who chose to stay in sin: God remembered the
promise to Noah, and decided to stop the rain, which lasted forty days, but the
land was not seen again after a hundred and fifty days. And love
and forgiveness happened? Yes, God cleansed the new generation
from Noah and his family. Plus, God promised Noah, and future generations,
who would not with the world again with water. Dai appears in the
sky when it rains the rainbow, which is a sign left by God until today.
The book of Genesis shows everything made by God: His great love for
their children. For the love of another just before Sodom and
Gomorrah were destroyed because of all kinds of sins, another family was saved
again. But the fair was called Lot, who was rescued along with
her family. But there was a disobedience that culminated in the
life of Lot's wife, I should not look back, and was transformed into a statue
of salt until today. God commanded Abraham to leave half of his
kindred, to form a new family and not run the risk of siblings join, join.
Through Abraham, God's love continued, and God told Abraham that the
Israelites would captive for a period of four hundred and thirty years in the
land of Egypt, and that after that, they would be freed. Abraham
is considered the father of many people, even though he had few children.
It was God's promise to Abraham, even though he already has a very
advanced age, he would have the child of promise. But before he
had a son with his wife's maidservant, who was called the son of the slave.
But love for God fulfilled the promise made to Abraham. Born
the son of promise, Isaac was his name.
Abraham's wife was also very old, but there
was a promise made by God to Abraham and Sarah that they would have a son in
his old age. God
tested Abraham's faithfulness asking him to sacrifice his son, and that was by
Abraham obeyed. At the very moment that Isaac would be
sacrificed, God, do not let this happen. A pure lamb was sent by
the Lord through an angel, who was sacrificed in place of Isaac. Abraham
is considered by God, the father of faith: you would not do it, to sacrifice
his son for God's sake, do! Would not. Because we
are selfish. But if you do not have "God, through His Son
Jesus" first in your life, yes it would. Do you know why?
The devil will try until you commit this act. But "He,
God" gave his only Son to save the world, remember! Spent
some time Isaac had two sons, Esau and Jacob, and Esau was the firstborn, but
he once scorned and despised his birthright exchanging it for a mess of
pottage. And Jacob came to receive the blessings that were
rightfully Esau. Jacob, who later became Israel, and had twelve
sons, who represented the twelve tribes of Israel. Love and
Forgiveness: Joseph was one of the twelve sons of Jacob, Israel, he was much
loved by Jacob, as he was the son of the woman he loved, and who was barren,
but reversed its sterility and God gave him a son, also in his old age .
Joseph was a purpose of God, and in Israel, as in Egypt, where he ended
up, being sold by his brothers, who, because of hate, envy, and lies that they
felt for Joseph
Noble readers (as) is the story of Joseph in Genesis es cribed caps. 37-50: I think one of the
most beautiful stories of the Bible, after "Jesus Christ." Everything
bad that his brothers did to Joseph, not revenge, not rendou spoiled fruit.
When all this happened, Joseph was only 17 years old, and he lived to the
age of one hundred and twenty years (120). Joseph was so
important and special to God, wherever he was, would thrive. Even
in the prison where Joseph was for two years because of a lie, the power of
Joseph given by God, was manifested. And that time Pharaoh had a
dream that no one could interpret. Magicians, sorcerers, seers,
diviners of all the earth, could not give the answer to Pharaoh. But
there was someone who had been arrested along with Joseph, he remembered what
he had done, and Joseph was brought to Pharaoh, and his dream was interpreted
by Joseph, who had this gift given by God, and that did not make it a trade as
humans do today. In this dream that was divided in stages so
Joseph revealed to Pharaoh: for all the earth there would be seven years of
plenty of fat cows, graúdas ear, and come after seven years of drought,
poverty, hunger, and only in Egypt would food. And everyone
should go down to Egypt to seek food: and Joseph's dream came true. His
brothers would be governed by him, which provoked fury on the part of his
brothers who hated him too. Spent seven years of plenty came the
years of drought and misery, and his brothers had to go down to Egypt in search
of food. But where does the love and forgiveness!
Noble readers (as) brothers who came to him in
search of food, was recognized by Joseph, but they do not recognize him. Love spoke louder: all food
placed in bags of his brothers, Joseph determined that it was not charged, and
they brought money to pay for the food was placed back in bags without seeing
them. Joseph asked his father and his younger brother: but they
did not suspect anything. Joseph pulled away to cry, so they
would not see him crying, so was his happiness and joy in knowing that his
father and his brothers were alive! His
brothers had to go back again to Egypt in search of food, and this time they
had to return to Canaan and bring his younger brother, and one of them was
detained in Egypt until they bring her brother. And they did not
suspect that Joseph had recognized him. But the long-awaited day
arrived. When his younger brother came to him, Joseph could not
contain himself, and revealed himself to his brothers. Imagine
the fright they had. Came in memory of them all that they did to
Joseph, and they feared for their lives, but the change came in the form of
love and forgiveness. Joseph sent to seek his entire family to
live in Egypt, for there was still another five years of great famine and
drought throughout the land. Joseph's father, Jacob Israel was
introduced to Pharaoh, and they received the best land in Egypt. Israel
blessed Pharaoh, and was one hundred and fourteen when he came to Egypt, and
lived another 30 years. His father died more than 140 years, and
his brothers again feared for their lives. But what they did not
expect is that Joseph did not keep heartbreak, resentment, hatred, and anger
them. In popular parlance, Joseph gave them the change in the
shape of a glove "kid" very special. José released the
forgiveness that they did not deserve if we think and act with the thought in
the world! Joseph's love was so pure, that surprised everyone.
This is what Joseph did exactly what God made with his people, not
allowing hatred, revenge take the lead. The evil they did was
paid against him with much love, and this is what we must all do even with our
worst enemy, unless the devil. This should not even be loved and
forgiven. While Joseph was alive, he promised to take care of
your entire family with lots of love, affection, kindness and justice, what
part of your brothers did not have with him. Joseph died at 120
years, and all he did was recognized by God. And this love, and
forgiveness given by Joseph, that God expects us to do well, and without asking
anything in return.
Who loves, forgives, forgiveness was given by God to his people, who were slaves
in Egypt for 430 years: but God remembered the promise made to Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob, and come the time of the withdrawal of God's people. This esta'confirmado in the
books of Exodus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. The withdrawal, the
exodus from Egypt took place in the book of Exodus, and was commanded by Moses,
a man greatly beloved by God, chosen for it. They think it was
easy God's people out of Egypt! It was not. God had
to harden further Pharaoh's heart at that time, who did not know the deeds of Joseph
in Egypt. Eleven were released by God plagues in Egypt, Pharaoh
and increasingly raged, and did not accept the idea of having someone above him
in the earth, "God." This bothered him a lot. And
Moses was prepared and protected by the Lord, for this important mission that
only happened in the time given by God, not man's. Reached a
point that Pharaoh did not support the weight of the hand over the Lord about
it, and decided to release the output of the Hebrew people, God's people in
Egypt. Moses was ahead of his people, and to get on the Red Sea,
God commanded Moses extended his staff and touched the waters of the Red Sea,
which was separated in half. Ali spent the whole people of God,
unharmed, and without getting wet, and without losing any lives. But
Pharaoh repented and decided to go after his enslaved people. But
what he did not expect and did not believe was that God's power was superior to
its power es, and Pharaoh and all his army drowned as the waters of the Sea
closed again, killing them all at once. The forgiveness of the
Lord was fulfilled through Moses crossed the Red Sea at the behest and
protection of God.
who loves, forgives the book of Numbers, God tried in every way, for love to
give the best of the land to them, but disobedience, rebellion, stubbornness
and murmuring could irritate God who even proposed to Moses a new nation, and
destroy all those who insisted on committing sins that displease God. But Moses was faithful to his
people, and did not accept the proposal of the Lord. God never
gave them anything missing during the time that remained in the desert.
A land flowing with milk and honey were promised by the Lord to them, but
it was not enough for them to stop swearing and murmur against God and Moses,
who was the spokesman of God on earth. All they asked muttering,
was attended by the Lord for love, but arrived a day that God got tired, and
cursed an entire generation. The promised land existed yes, but
needed to be cleared, possessed by them. God commanded Moses chose
twelve men, spies, to see the land and bring good news, but most returned
muttering, just putting obstacles. Only Joshua and Caleb came
back with good news from the land flowing with milk and honey. The
obstacles that existed there needed to be overcome, vanquished: giants dwelt on
this earth, but all would be defeated because God was with His people. For
love, they were constantly forgiven because Moses interceded with God, who
listened and answered their cry on behalf of his people. That
generation damned by God only Joshua and Caleb, and all those who had less than
twenty years have come and inherit the land of promise. Unfortunately
Moses could not enter the promised land. But love for God showed
Moses the top of Mount Pisgah, all the promised land. What
prevented those who could not enter the land of promise was murmuring,
rebellion and stubbornness of many of them. They got as far as
creating and blowing a golden calf and worship it in place of the true God, and
Moses once again faced the wrath of God because of his rebellious people.
When Moses heard God, and answered their cry, their order in their favor,
forgiveness happened, but then they returned to commit sins, muttering,
cursing, and worshiping and idolizing gods lie. All those who had
above twenty years wandered in the desert for 40 years until they die everyone
except Joshua and Caleb. Note One day gain for a year, imagine
what it must have been terrible! But they sought and
deserved to go through this.
In Deuteronomy, it was confirmed all that God
had told Moses, which are the laws, commandments, statutes and to be obeyed and
practiced. But
it was not until that happened today, because of disobedience we all still
happens far too often and naturally these days, in the name of modernity, and
that everything is possible, nothing is forbidden. Unfortunately
many will know, and the second death in eternity with the devil, all because of
the Facilities-des, the illusion that anything can, and nothing hurt. God's
love is unlimited, but even to the Lord, there is a limit, and this limit is
what will make the difference of life and death. Yes:
eternal life with "God, Jesus and the Son" and washed and redeemed by
the precious blood of the Lamb Ghost. But the great forgiveness
of the Lord came through Joshua who can cross the Jordan to enter and inherit the
land promised by God to the Israelites. The confirmations of the promises in the
book of Joshua. While Joshua and the elders lived, the Israelites lived on the protection of God,
but they returned to sin as God had told Joshua.
After the death of Joshua and the elders of
the children of Israel were being delivered into the hands of the enemies of
the Lord, and judges were raised in Israel to try and rule the people of God. Forgiveness, once again came
when they repented, and God heard them and sent a savior in the form of a
judge, or judge. The best known were Othniel, Eudes, Shamgar,
Deborah, Gideon, Jephthah, and Samson, who was not only a great judge of his
people, because of their stubbornness, they underestimated their enemies, and
was betrayed by his lover, who was a prostitute, and was Philistine, and was
used to trace the origin of the strength of Samson, who was invincible until
the day he discovered why his invincibility. When the children of
Israel, God's people lived in obedience, and they came to get rid of your
enemies by up to 80 years, but it was enough that Judge died, everything came
back as before. And God gave back the hands of enemies, in order
that they repent and stop sinning. For even seemed that sin was
always tastes better! That's where we screwed because of a
feeling of pleasure, freedom. But forget that, everything here is
books of Samuel, Hannah was the wife of Elkanah. But Hannah was barren and
could not give children to her husband, who had children with his mistress or
concubine. And Ana was humiliated by her, but she was a woman
obedient and devout, and was a woman of much prayer, and so she did. Hannah
was praying very fervently and worship the one true God, and which was attended
by the Lord. Hannah promised God that if it was answered, that
child would be given to the priest to serve the Lord, and that would never be
passed knife in his head. This is what happened: Samuel was born,
and when he was weaned delivered to the priest Eli But God is loving and
forgiving, and not forgotten Ana, who gave her five sons (as). Loyalty,
love, obedience and fear God, give those who are in the good way, the best of
the Lord, and the best of the land given by God. Samuel became
the prophet in Israel after the death of Eli And: God incubiu Samuel Anointing
of the first and second king of Israel, Saul was chosen and the first, which
was supposed to be a good king and have been a eternal king in Israel. But
unfortunately Saul was stubborn and disobedient, and that made the difference
against him. God took away his kingdom and chose another king,
and Samuel was asked to again anoint this king who came to David, and it was
not for the man, a model of beauty, and looks real. But it was
David, character, fear and obedience to God. And that made the
difference between "God and David" that made all that pleased God.
And who profited was all the people of Israel. David was a
man of much prayer, and every time he went into battle, God was consulted, and
only when the answer from God is that he left for the fights against the
enemies of God's people, and returned victorious. David was a man
after God's heart, but he also failed and commit sins. But the
difference was in his faithfulness. He recognized that
there was wrong and sin! He repented and asked for forgiveness
from God and not put the blame on others: he admitted that he had committed the
sin, and accept the punishment of the Lord, whatever it was. When
he wished the wife of Uriah the Hittite, and ordered that he be placed in front
of a battle to be killed, David slept with Bathsheba, and in this respect they
had a son. God sent a prophet named Nathan who revealed to him
all that he has done the hidden God would make him the clear before all Israel.
And so it happened: Uriah was killed in battle, and the son of this
relationship which was not blessed by God, died. But God's love
for David was too great, and they had a young son who was blessed by the Lord,
and called Solomon, and David was the successor of the kingdom of Israel.
And Solomon was the richest man in all the earth and intelligent.
But Solomon in his old age was lost in
sin, and God took away his kingdom and gave his enemy, and divided his kingdom
into twelve tribes, which symbolized the twelve tribes of Israel. And
two tribes were separated by God, and was perpetuated because God promised
David that would not miss a lamp, a man, a man to sit upon the throne of
Israel. And so it happened because of the Lord to David until the
coming of the Savior of the world, and was fourteen generations to come in
"Jesus Christ." And Samuel died very old, and was much
loved by God, and respected by the children of Israel. Samuel had children, but they were disobedient
and did not follow the right path, and could not be kings. The
books of Kings, I tried to show only those that were good kings in Israel, and
who obeyed the laws and commandments of God. But unfortunately
there were few good kings, who did what pleased God. They were
very idolaters, worshiping and worshiped all kinds of gods, type: clay, wood,
foundry, wooden, stone and plaster today, and photographs, and artistic idols
etc. God's people, the Israelites remained captives, prisoners in
other kings, but God raised kings to govern his people, most permeneceram in
sin, the errors, and this saddened to God. But when that good
king did what pleased God, they rested, and received the Lord's forgiveness.
I prayed Solomon built the temple, the house of God, and istou lasted for
more than ten years this building, but as sin, disobedience, rebellion,
stubbornness prevailed of God's people, God destroyed their temple by his
enemies. Those who had lived in obedience and received the best
of the Lord, and who benefited were the children of Israel, because God's love
overcame the anger, and the weight of your hand, which happened when they went
through a terrible time. But God's hand was always extended to
support and embrace and forgive them all. Noble
readers (as) it was time for God rejoin his people, and rebuild everything that
one day "He" decided to overthrow, destroy because of disobedience,
stubbornness and rebellion. The temple that Solomon had built was
destroyed. For God could not dwell in a place that has become a
den of perdition, of sin. The children of Israel were scattered
in various kingdoms, in different places, but if repentance of his people, and
if they returned to purify themselves, and separating the foreign and going to
be the children of Israel. They defiled themselves with other
people, other races, which did not please God. Ezra, Nehemiah,
Haggai, Zechariah, etc.., Were chosen by the Lord to rebuild the walls of
Jericho and the temple: and the kings Xerxes, Darius, king Nebuchadnezzar and
Cyrus were engaged by the Lord that everything would go as he wanted. But
there were people who tried to prevent reconstruction preaching lies to King
Artaxerxes who tried to stop for a short period of time, but the other kings
were the purpose of God, and the work continued. Those days were
very difficult, but I could not stop, for God was ahead of those
who were his chosen Ezra came to pray to God for
forgiveness on behalf of his people, because of the things they did wrong.
In the book of Nehemiah, Ezra read the book of the law to his people, but
he praised the Lord. And the children of Israel repented and said
goodbye to their foreign wives.
Nehemiah was the front wall and the
rebuilding of the temple, but the enemies tried to intimidate him, they could
not, because he realized that those who tried to intimidate him, did not come
from God. And
all the people of Israel repented and confessed his sins to the Lord, and that
was there and heard from God, forgiveness to them. Nehemiah
removed many abuses that they practiced, and there was the long-awaited cleanup
among the people of God. Foreigners entered Jerusalem not getting
out, they signed an agreement, a covenant. But those who did not
accept foreigners goodbye, and left out of the Lord's blessings. I
am now in the book of Esther, a Jewish girl who was, and was simple family, and
was raised by her cousin Mordecai, because his parents had died. The
book of Esther takes place in the time of King Ahasuerus, who made a party to
celebrate the prosperity of the kingdom, and all were invited. Rich
or poor, prince or not: and this feast lasted six months. The
king became angry with his wife, Queen Vashti, who decided not to attend the
party of the king, and made his private party inviting only women. The
king was persuaded to punish Queen Vashti, who was dismissed from his post, and
another queen should be chosen. Young virgins of every kingdom
were called to be the king. Esther was very pretty, and the king
did not know she was Jewish. At that time there was in the reign
of King Ahasuerus an evil man named Haman, who was the prime minister of the
king, and he did not like the Jewish people, and did not get along with
Mordecai or Mordecay depending on the Biblical version. This
Haman convinced the king to create a royal decree authorizing Haman to
exterminate, destroy the entire Jewish people. But Esther was
already a purpose of God, she was chosen and beloved by the king, and made a
difference inside and outside the royal palace. When God separates
the work for someone, He empowers, and so it was with Esther, who at the
request of his uncle interceded for his people stopping what they were
exterminated, killed because of envy, greed and lies of Haman. At
that time could only get close period of time, but the other kings were the
purpose of God, and the work continued. Those days were a lot of
people that the king king extended his royal scepter to them, and Esther, a
queen, even if the king did not extend his scepter toward her, she would pay
with his life. But the king loved his presence allowed muitoe:
Esther invited the king to a party in his room, and asked the king to invite
Haman, and so it was done. The queen wanted to could have half
the kingdom for her, for love of the king was too big for her. And
the day came when the shoe, the mask fell Haman:
Esther revealed to the king who was Haman and what he had done against Mordecai
and the Jewish people, and also revealed that she was also a Jew. The king was enraged and
ordered Haman to kill him and his entire family on the gallows that he had
built to hang Mordecai, his enemy, not to demote him. Love King
by Queen made the whole situation was reversed and a new decree was created
by the king, allowing the entire Jewish people defend death imposed by the
wicked Haman. Esther was a purpose of God in the time of King
Ahasuerus, and was much loved by the king and the Jewish people, which was not
exterminated because they were God's people, and Esther was used just as God
intended, and not by man . But where forgiveness and entered this
story! Very simple noble readers (as) forgiveness came in the
form of salvation and deliverance of God's people, who were about to be
destroyed, exterminated. God never left his people perish.
Suffer, suffer for love yes: but for that there is repentance, spiritual
growth, yes. After all how God would exterminate his people that
if He gave His only Son out of love for the world, mankind might be saved from
sin, bondage, slavery and death!
Christ" that grow throughout this review, you will see how God from the
foundation of the world did that none of his people would be lost. Whoever
lost was by choice to live and practice sin, because he thought it would be
better! Unfortunately many died and many will die because they
thought sinful life is more enjoyable. Exit and escape from this
mistake because it is not worth. Your eternity after the Savior's
coming again, will lead to those who repented and were washed and redeemed by
the blood of the Lamb precisoso "Jesus Christ." They
are wrong who think this day will not come, and that a fairy tale.
Who was Job Job! What he represents to the
subject who loves, forgives. Very noble readers (as): Job was
another one of God's purpose. He was one of the richest men of
that time: but the difference is that he was faithful, fearing and obedient to
the Lord. One day Satan came to God, and told the Lord that he
Job blaspheme against God, permission was given. But Satan did
not know there was loyalty, fear and obedience in this first action of Job
Satan about Job, he lost cattle, children, and property. But Job
did not blasphemed nor murmured against God. And Satan asked
permission to touch Job deeper into it and would not stand against God.
Satan is not imagined, Job endure everything for love and obedience to
the Lord. The suffering of Job, is matched only by the suffering
of "Jesus Christ." On any given day his wife until he
came to Job and said. Curse your God and die. But
he did not do it: all the abandoned wife, relatives and friends, and he had
nothing. Job cursed the day he was born, but it was against God,
and bad things happen in your life. His suffering was for long
years, but God knew him, and knew he would remain faithful and obedient.
One day he came to his last friends who did not forsake him, but
questioned his attitude, and tried to make Job to give up that suffering.
After some time, Job had an encounter with God that told him to intercede
for his three friends that they be forgiven by the Lord. As Satan
failed to destroy Job, that was his goal, God did what no one expected, I
believe that neither Job Bondage, Job's suffering was reversed, and all that he
had lost, God gives back double: his family, his possessions, and his age was
doubled and he died more than 140 years, and was God's love, forgiveness,
salvation and deliverance yes, and it was not for nothing that history is part
of the Bible. Job's suffering to God had a very strong sense, you
can be assured of this: God knows all things. When He allows
something in your life, is not to think you're worthless and that God does not
exist, and that He is not there for their suffering.
Noble readers (as) know that you are very important to God but through the Son
"Jesus Christ." Job not decreased at any time, and it also saibia God. Job
lost everything he had, but it was not enough to separate God from him.
The devil tried, but was again defeated and humiliated.
The book of Psalms is a book of prayers by the
psalmists, to speak directly with God. And so did King David ever. Every
time he went into battle, he would not until he received an answer from God in
his prayer. This is why David was consideradoum man after God's
heart. Loyal, obedient and fearing the laws commandments and
statutes of the Lord, of the 150 Psalms, King David wrote only 72, almost half.
The love of God to the psalmists, and their God was very great: there was
much truth, sincerity, Psalms, and all came to God in praise and worship.
Idolatry only "He, God," that made a difference in the lives
of these people, especially King David, Solomon, Moses, Joshua, Caleb, Samuel,
Esther, Ruth, Naomi, Isaiah, Daniel, etc.., The Book of Psalms is for you to be
closer to the Lord, for thus was the goal of the psalmists, to be closer to God
through prayer to God that they did. It was an intimate
conversation with the Lord through the Psalms, and it serves us well today.
This book is very difficult to be summarized, because each word placed
there by the psalmists who had great intimacy with God in their prayers, and
that made a difference in the lives of many people, especially King David,
who despite having committed sins which could have led to death, was given by
the Lord's forgiveness, because there was true repentance on the part of David.
The book of Psalms give to all those who seek salvation, deliverance,
forgiveness, love and mercy of God. It is this commentary on the
Book of Psalms for you noble reader (a) reflect and meditate on every word,
every verse in the book of Psalms. Know that love and forgiveness
are here yes, and it is for you to use it every day of his life.
The book of Proverbs is another book of
difficult summary: because King Solomon was a man of great vision, intelligence
odd, a lot of wisdom, and had the love and mercy of God in your life, even when
committed in his old age grave sins against God. He was punished by Lord yes,
but was much loved by his people and God. Solomon had it all and
experienced everything in life, but there came a day when he saw all that he
had gained under the sun, it was boredom, tiredness and sadness, and vanity,
and that it would bring strife, discord. Unfortunately it's the
truth: you can have everything in life, but if you do not have true peace,
nothing will advance you have everything of material goods, if you do not have
salvation, love and forgiveness of God in your life.
If not
forgiven by the Lord for their actions, no use of being rich, handsome, proud,
unfaithful and disobedient, if you do not receive the Lord's forgiveness. Solomon lost the peace at the
end of his life. I do not know whether to tell you because God
forgave him of his sins, but his father, King David, is part until the last
book of the Bible. But the purpose of this review is to show you
that your life still has solution out for their salvation: and is called
repentance, confession of sins to God through the Son "Jesus Christ"
Book of Isaiah: what God tried to do more
through the prophet Isaiah was to take the word of love, salvation,
deliverance, and forgiveness to his people, if there was regret on their part. Isaias was an ordinary man,
with flaws and sinful. Isaiah had an encounter with an angel of
the Lord who was lamenting looking for someone to bring the word of God to all
Israel, and to hear the lamentation of the angel, Isaiah offered to this
important mission. But before Isaias said: Here am I Lord, but
unfortunately I am a man of unclean lips, sinner. It happened
that the angel with a fiery dart, "fire" touched Isaiah's lips, and
he was cleansed by God. So
began the mission of the prophet Isaiah, trying to bring the word of love,
salvation and forgiveness to the children of Israel, for thus they were called
by God. Here I am just commenting everything I wrote in the book
who loves, forgives. But to give you an idea as our ancestors
were, and how we are today. Unfortunately we are worse than them,
because we have what they had, which is the ease of communication, locomotion
they had not. Back then everything was more difficult, more time
consuming, but the true word until they arrived yes.
Only they rebellious, stubborn and
disobedient. And what we are today! Ignorant,
stupid, arrogant, greedy, and greedy: for the facilities of today, the lies,
the illusion of better days, no sacrifices are more advantageous. Another
mistake: we are moving increasingly into the furnace, but there is still time
for our salvation. See a little why God weighed his hand over his
people! See what the Lord said to Isaiah, and why its people
suffered! Isaias.1. "2 Hear, O heavens, and
give ear, O earth: for the Lord hath spoken: I have created children, and
acquired great them, but they have rebelled against Me 3 The ox knoweth his
owner, and the ass's crib his master: but Israel doth not know, my people doth
not consider. 4 Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a
seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the Lord,
they blasphemed the Holy One of Israel, they returned back. 5 Why
you would be punished even if you rebelaríeis more? The whole
head is sick and the whole heart fraco.6 From the sole of the foot even unto
the head there is no soundness in it, but wounds, and bruises, and putrefying
sores not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment.
7 Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire: your land,
strangers devour it in your presence, and it is desolate, as overthrown by
strangers. 8 And the daughter of Zion is left as a cottage in a
vineyard, as a lodge in a garden of cucumbers, as a besieged city. 10
Hear the word of the Lord, ye rulers of Sodom, give ear unto the law of our
God, ye people of Gomorrah. 11-I serves Me the multitude of your
sacrifices, saith the Lord? I am full
of the burnt offerings of rams and the fat of fed beasts; I delight not in the
blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of bodes.12 When you come to appear before
Me, who hath required this at your hand, to tread my courts? 13 Bring no more vain
oblations; incense is an abomination unto me, and the new moons and Sabbaths,
the calling of assemblies, I can not endure iniquity, even the solemn meeting.
14 Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hates; already are
weighed me, I am weary to bear them. 15 Therefore, when ye spread
forth your hands, I will hide My eyes from you: and though multipliqueis your
prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood. 16 Wash
yourselves, purify yourselves, put away the evil of your doings from before
mine eyes: cease to do evil. 17 Learn to do good, seek what is
just, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless; Treat the cause of the
widow. 18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD:
though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow, though they be red
like crimson, they shall be as wool. 19 If ye be willing and
obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land. 20 crimson, they
shall be as wool. 19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat
the good of terra.20 But if you refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the
sword: for the mouth of the LORD has spoken. 21 How is the
faithful city become an harlot! She that was full of justice!
Righteousness lodged in her, but now murderers. 22 Thy
silver is become dross, thy wine mixed with water. 23 Thy princes
are rebellious, and companions of thieves: every one loveth bribes them, and
walk after rewards: they judge not the fatherless, neither come unto them the
cause of the widow. 24 Therefore saith the Lord, the LORD of
hosts, the mighty One of Israel: Ah! Take satisfactions of my
adversaries, and avenge me of mine enemies. 25 And I will return
to my hand against thee, and thy dross fully cleanse, and get thee whole
impureza.26 And I will restore thy judges as at the first, and thy counselors
as at the beginning, and then you will be called The city of righteousness, the
faithful city. 27 Zion shall be redeemed with judgment, and those
who return to her with righteousness. 28 But transgressors and
sinners shall be destroyed together, and those who forsake the Lord shall be
consumed. "
The promises of God are numerous, but they chose to continue sinning as we
still do today.
Unfortunately even in the evangelical there is much hypocrisy and
falsehood: some live and practice lies, and still use the Holy name of God in
vain. Woe to those who do this these days, because they know the
truth. God promised to cleanse Israel, but this will only happen
when there is repentance of sins, and abandon them. This Israel,
also we are today. Isaias was chosen and consecrated as a
prophet of Israel began their important and difficult mission. God
from the foundation of the world, after the first sin, the first physical and
spiritual death, "He began to prepare the coming of the Savior of the
world, the Messiah, the Wonderful Counselor, the Prince of Peace, the
Everlasting Father." And Isaiah had this important mission
to proclaim the coming of the Savior. This came occurs several
centuries later. If you read the book of Isaiah and the whole
Bible will find that God never gave up on us, neither in the past and also
today. But today, only perdarão the Lord's blessings, salvation
if they want. Because the information
that they lingered for days, months, years, we have in seconds. But
none of this seems to matter to most, because sin is pleasurable taste of a
sense of victory, freedom misleading levaraá that the majority of humanity to
hell for all eternity with the devil.
In caps. 6,9,11 and others who still mention,
show the strength of the Savior. In chap. 11, God
speaks about the root of Jesse begin to renew the coming of the
"Messiah." Who was the son of Jesse greatly loved by
God! David. Yes beloved, seeing the importance of
David. He was one of the generations that preceded the coming of
"Jesus." In the day when God will restore Israel,
"He" will be praised and magnified. For the sake of
Israel, Babylon will be destroyed forever. Note You already
studied general history, know that the answer did not give you books on
Babylon, you have here in the Bible, just in the last book of the Bible, the
book of Revelation. But Israel will be freed: this release is
therefore only be freed those who repent, and no more deny the name
"Christ" and practice good works and sin no more love in the world,
the facilities in the world. God have mercy on you, believe, seek
it, love it, no matter their suffering, their struggles and their difficulties.
He must come first and always, not just in the good times! It
is only then that we believe and seek. They the children of
Israel did so, and got out of God's blessings. If you want
the best of the Lord, do not repeat what our ancestors did. Be
different: God promised, and "He" will fulfill all the
promises, and you are included in the promises of the Lord. Every
enemy of God's people will be destroyed, for it is the promise made by one
who does not mind and is corrupt as with our politicians and rulers.
In chap. 35, shows the greatness of the kingdom
of the Messiah, and there will be a way that it will not pass the unclean, the
sinners, but you can spend as long as you allow yourself to be purified.
And for the love of God adds King Hezekiah fifteen more years of life to
him, it was with a sickness unto death. King Hezekiah humbled
himself, cried and prayed to God, reminding the Lord that he had walked in the
way of the Lord in righteousness. God heard the cry and the
prayer of Hezekiah and Isaiah sent word through that that illness, he no longer
die, and that would be added fifteen more years in your life. But
the children of Israel were still committing sins: and God did not give up
trying to save and liberate its people, and deliverance to the children of
Israel was promised. But everything will happen in God's time,
just waiting to know and trust. So Isaiah spoke these words
blessed by the Lord in cap.40. "28 Do not know, not heard,
that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth or get
tired or weary? His understanding is unsearchable. 29
gives power to the faint, and to multiply the forces that have no effect.
30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall
utterly fall, 31 But those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength,
they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary,
walk and not faint. " The redemption of Israel will be done
by God through the Son "Jesus" see what the Savior said in Isaiah 43.
"10 Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, and my servant whom I have
chosen: that ye may know and believe me and understand that I am the same, and
before that I was no God formed, and after Me neither shall there be. 11
I, I am the Lord, and besides Me there is no savior. 12 I have
declared, and I saved, and I did hear, and there was no strange god among you:
therefore ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, I am God.13 Even before the day
was, I am, and there is none that can deliver out of My hands; acting I, who
can hinder it? 14 Thus saith the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy
One of Israel: For your sake I have sent to Babylon, and have brought down all
fugitives, the Chaldeans, in the ships that boasted. 15 I am the
Lord, your Holy One, the Creator of Israel, your King "
God has placed great confidence in King Cyrus: imagine what He will do for the
sake of all of us that we are his people! I was just commenting on this work, but
the words of love, salvation and forgiveness of "God" here said in
the book of Isaiah, you need to know. Here's what he said in
caps. 44 and 44 45.Isaias. "21 Remember these
things, O Jacob, and Israel, for thou art my servant: I have formed thee, thou
art my servant, O Israel, I will not forget you. 22 blacked out
your transgressions like mist, and your sins like a cloud; makes you to Me, for
I have redeemed you. 23 Sing, ye heavens, for the Lord has made;
glad you, the lowest parts of the earth, ye mountains, break forth into
singing, ye also, forests and all your trees, for the Senhorremiu Jacob and
glorified himself in Israel. 24 Thus saith the LORD, thy
redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb: I am the LORD that maketh all,
that alone stretch out the heavens, and the earth espraio by Myself, 25 May
undo the signs of the liars, and freakin diviners, that I make wise men
backward, and convert on their knowledge foolish; 26 What confirm the word of
his servant, and I fulfill the counsel of his messengers, who say to Jerusalem,
Thou shalt be inhabited, and the cities of Judah Ye shall be built, and I will
raise up his ruins, 27 Which say to the depths: Drought thee, and I will dry up
your rivers. 28 What I say Cyrus: It is my shepherd, and shall
perform all my pleasure, even saying to Jerusalem, Thou shalt be built, and the
temple, Thou shalt be founded.
CAP. 45 "1 Thus saith the LORD to his
anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have, to subdue nations before his face,
and descingir the loins of kings, to open doors before him, and the gates shall
not be shut . 2 I will go before thee, and straighten the crooked
break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron.
3 Give thee hidden treasures, and hidden riches of secret, that thou
mayest know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who calls you by your name.
4 For the sake of my servant Jacob, and Israel my chosen, I have called
thee by thy name, put your name, though not known me. 5 I am the
Lord and there is none else, beside Me there is no God: I girded thee, though
thou hast not known me; 6 That they may know from the rising of the sun, and
from the west, that beside Me there else: I am the Lord and there is none else.
7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I
the Lord do all these things. 8 Distil, ye heavens, from above,
and the clouds rain down righteousness: let the earth open and salvation
produces, while fruitful righteousness: I the LORD have created it. 9
Woe to him who quarrels with his Maker! The shard and other
pieces of clay! Shall the clay say to him who formed it, What
doest thou? Or thy work: no hands? 10 Woe to him
who says to his father: What are you begetting? And the woman,
What thou givest birth? 11 Thus saith the Lord, the Holy One of
Israel, and his Maker: Ask me of things to come; demandai me concerning my
sons, and concerning the work of My hands. 12 I made the earth,
and created man upon it I did, my hands stretched out the heavens, and all
their host have I commanded. 13 I have raised him up in
righteousness, and all his ways: he shall build my city, and let go my
captives, not for price nor reward, saith the Lord of hosts. è
Heed these words, says the Lord, who practices on idolotria 16 images will be
ashamed, and also confounded, all; fall together in shame that produce images.
17 But Israel is saved by the Lord with an everlasting salvation:
therefore ye shall not be ashamed nor confounded to all eternity. 18
For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens, God himself that formed the earth
and made it; he confirmed, did not create it empty, he formed it to be
inhabited: I am the Lord and there is none else. 19 Do not spoken
in secret, or anywhere dark land, not said to the seed of Jacob, Seek ye me in
vain: I am the Lord that speak justice, and announce things straight. 20
Assemble yourselves, and come, draw near together, ye that are escaped of the
nations: they have no knowledge that lead the procession in their graven
images, made of wood, and pray unto a god that can not save. Declare
21, and draw near to you, and take counsel together: who did hear it from
antiquity? Who announced since then? Have not I the
LORD? For there is no other God but Me, a righteous God and
Savior there is none beside Me 22 Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends
of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else. 23 By Myself
I have sworn, my mouth has gone out of the word of righteousness, and shall not
return, That unto Me every knee shall bow, and every tongue will swear Me.
24-I shall say, Surely the LORD have I righteousness and strength, he
will come up, but all will be ashamed that incensed against him. 25
But the Lord will be justified, and shall glory all the seed of Israel. " Noble readers (as) I was very calm in my
review until the book of Isaiah, but he had so much to talk about, to show unto
the children of Israel, as "God He" loved and still loves his people,
even in days. About Love, Forgive, would not be complete if I did
not show them these passages. For
the love of God never fell for his people. Speaking of the love
of God, can never fail to mention the cap. 53 of Isaiah, because
he shows everyone the true love of God to all mankind. Here in
this chapter, God speaks of that which was more than seven hundred years later
as a son of man, but being the only Son of God, his name "Jesus
Christ" the Savior of the world. God's love was so great
that "He" already preparing the coming of the Savior, and announced
everything "it" and that he would suffer for the sake of "Father
God" and of all humanity and also the current season. His
gesture is for eternity. His suffering was for you too. If
you are here today, He also suffered for you, even you, me, we do not deserve,
He did not give any of us. For the Scripture would be fulfilled.
Jesus never sinned, never lied, and did not have to go through anything
that He has. Salvation, deliverance from bondage and slavery of
sin and death had to happen. The Scriptures never lie, because it
was God's promise, and a day and time appointed by God happen. And
it happened more than seven hundred years after this announcement. And
more: the world speaks of Christ Blond, blue eyes, hair met: but here the word
tells us that "He" had no beauty. But that was
rejected, hated, cursed, belittled, beaten, tortured cruelly and without merit.
Churches cite only version. 4.5, but there are 12 versions., See in Isaiah 53. "1
Who has believed our report? And to whom is the arm of the Lord?
2 He grew up before Him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry
ground had no beauty nor comeliness and when we shall see him, there was no
looking good in it, that we should desire. 3 He was despised and
rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with, and as one from whom men
hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not. 4
Surely He has borne our infirmities and carried our sorrows about yourself, and
we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. 5 But
he was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities: the
chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.
6 All we like sheep have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own
way, but the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all. 7 He
was oppressed and afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth, like a lamb that is
led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that is silent before its shearers, so
he opened not his mouth. 8 By oppression and judgment he was
taken away: and who shall declare his generation? He was cut off
from the land of the living: for the transgression of my people he was hit.
9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his
death, though he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.
10 However, the Lord was pleased to bruise him, causing him to suffer,
when your soul is put for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his
days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand. 11
He shall see of the travail of his soul and shall be satisfied: by his
knowledge shall my servant, the righteous shall justify many, for their
iniquities shall bear upon him. 12 Therefore I will give him the
part of many, and with the mighty he shall divide the spoil, because he poured
out his soul unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors, but he bore
the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors. "
The book of Isaiah contains 66 chapters: and
every one of them was almost the same thing. God through the prophet Isaiah trying to
save her people from destruction, sin and death, for "He, God" never
gave up on love, to forgive all humanity. And the book of Isaias
ends with God saying that rebels reject all sinners. Here ends
the commentary on the book of Isaiah
Noble readers (as) the following books, which are books of Jeremiah, Ezekiel,
Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Zechariah, Jonah, Zephaniah to Malachi, were not
different from the other books. The prophet Jeremiah was chosen that his
mother's womb to serve God in Jerusalem, and his mission was the same as the
other prophets. To take the word of love, salvation, deliverance
and forgiveness through repentance of his people, the children of Israel: for
they kept rebels, stubborn and disobedient. This meant that they
kept losing the blessings given by the Lord. I want to highlight
the book of Daniel and Jonas: In Daniel, God's love was with his three friends
who refused to worship and idolize the god of lies created by the King of
Babylon, and they remained steadfast in purpose not to deny the true God and
not curvaramao god king, and were cast into the fiery furnace, heated seven
times hotter. People who played them died because not endured the
heat. Now comes the best of God.
They were seen dancing inside the furnace, and along with it there was a fourth
person, who assured the king was the son of God "Jesus Christ." Noble readers (as) as the
king could tell that he saw the son of God, if Jesus had not yet been
manisfestado. He was not yet among us! But God, in
a spirit of love sent his Son, who was seen by the king, and who saved the
three friends of Daniel, and no burning, and no scratching. The
king ordered that all should worship the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.
But things did not stop there, there were still those who were against
the faithfulness of Daniel, and prayed to the God of Israel three times a day,
and this bothered some of the kingdom. And Daniel had a position
of importance in the kingdom, and this caused some envy, that foramatras a
decree condemning to death those who were caught worshiping God that was not
the god of the king. And the king loved Daniel, and this decree
still had validity throughout the kingdom, and the king had to apply to Daniel.
With great sadness the king allowed Daniel to be placed inside the pit
with hungry lions. A stone was placed at the entrance of the den,
and Daniel spent the night there, and nothing happened to him, you know why?
God shut the lions' mouths, and Daniel was uninjured. And
the king did not sleep that night because Daniel loved, and to get to the front
of the lion's den, the king called Daniel, and Daniel said so: "Daniel:
Daniel, servant of the living God, would be the is thy God, whom you serve
continually, able to deliver thee from the lions? 21 Then said
Daniel unto the king, O king, live forever! Daniel 6. 20
love of God is true, and He will never let anything bad happen to those who are
loved by Him, and thus was saved Daniel from the lions, and those who caused
this situation were thrown into the den of lions, and were killed by them. When you are a purpose for
God knows what, nothing can disturb you and take God's purpose in
your life. Only if you do what Esau did, belittle and mock God.
Daniel was asked to seal up the book with the events of the last to be
opened only by a single person called "Jesus Christ." And
Daniel also talked about Jesus, and entendeuo representing the seventy weeks of
the Messiah. The other book, I want to highlight the life of
Jonah, who also represents the life of the Savior, "Jesus Christ"
Jonas was chosen by God to bring the word of repentance to the city of Nineveh,
which would be destroyed by the Lord, if they do not repent of their sins.
Jonas entered a ship bound for Tarshish, the opposite Jonah should go.
Halfway through the trip, a storm tossed the ship, and was about to sink,
and Jonas saw that he was guilty of that storm, and that others should not pay
with their lives, something that he had been the culprit. Jonas
asked to be thrown into the sea, than that tempeste cease, and so it happened.
And Jonah was swallowed by a great fish, and it is presumed that it was a
whale. Jonah remained for three days and three nights in this
fish, or whale, and "there" in he repented, and was released, vomited
out of the belly of this fish going to a beach. Note This passage
represents the three days that "Jesus" went in the darkness, in the
darkness, and overcoming death, resurrected on the third day to give us eternal
life next to the "Father God, and Him" also on judgment day Final,
which will be for all eternity.
Jonah went to Nineveh and preached the word of repentance to them, they were
saved by God because there was true repentance of all, including the king.
Noble readers (the) other books not gonna
change anything about this comment About Love, Forgive: because what the other
prophets did was the same thing that others have mentioned here. Trying to show the children
of Israel, the words of repentance, conversion, love and forgiveness to all the
people of God. But few have repented and turned to the only
living way and given by God and left. Most opted for sin, perdition
by the darkness, and in hell with the devil. Who repented and was
saved by the Lord freed. Who loves, forgives: Now comes the most
important part of this theme. The birth, the coming of
"Savior, the Messiah, the Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, the
Everlasting Father, Emmanuel, Teacher, Counselor loving and forgiving."
Because of this man called "Jesus Christ", which came as Son of
man, but being the only Son of God. The Scriptures were fulfilled
with the coming of the Savior "Jesus", another stage of Scripture was
confirmed by God. The saddest thing of all is that He, Jesus, did
not have a decent place to be born: his birth occurred within a stable, laid in
a manger was the Savior of the world. But Jesus' life was in
danger, because King Herod wanted to kill all the firstborn to get to Jesus,
who had to flee into the wilderness, and stayed there until the death of King
Herod. In the New Testament, the Scriptures go to the book of
The first book of the New Testament is the book
of Matthew speaks of the birth of "Emmanuel, God with us." And Jesus came to serve and
not be served: He came to love, forgiveness and release all those who repent of
their sins. The Saviour of the world came as Son of man, but
being the only Son of God and that Scripture would be fulfilled, He would have
to come this way. Born of the Virgin Mary by the power of the
Holy Spirit. When the prophet Isaiah announced his coming, this
happened more than seven hundred years later. But part of
humanity, the hated, despised and scorned. But it was not enough
that "He" gave up on us: Jesus, since it was small dferente. He
was special, and stood out wherever he went: for he was very intelligent, and
had what we have is: sincerity, loyalty, honesty and loyalty to "Father
God." Jesus in his adulthood formed his discipleship,
choosing twelve apostles; being one different. Ali had men
simple, common to medical and Luke, and also had fishermen and tax collector.
And everyone started to serve Jesus faithfully. Jesus began
to teach them, and send them to work, to practice Go, preach the gospel to
every creature in all four corners of the earth. But first of
all, Jesus was baptized by John did not want to baptize him because he was not
the time for such responsibility. But the Scriptures had to be
fulfilled, and John agreed to do the baptism of the Savior of the world.
Jesus lived among us for only thirty-three years, this was the time given
by God "He" who did and worked many miracles, healings and
deliverances. When Jesus healed or freed someone, He said thus:
"Your sins are forgiven, go and sin no more."
never failed to meet whoever it was up to him: despite his apostles several
times to send the crowds and He bid farewell not paying attention. But He came to serve, to
love, to liberate, heal, forgive, save and resurrected, just as He did with
Lazarus etc. .. Each book speaks of the Savior in their own way,
but ending with the death and resurrection of Christ. Jesus, for
love of the Father, and to us, healed many sick, cast out legions of demons,
freed many captives, blessed all without distinction of persons. But
Jesus did not spend his hand on the head of those who remained in sin, in
error. And many of these sins are related to sex, worship and
idolatry to any type of images, sculptures, type: clay, wood, stone, wood,
metals, and today, plaster and other materials. Jesus does not
love and does not condone adultery, fornication, which is the ratio of single
people, married or single (as). Plus, Jesus, does not endorse and
is not blessed relationship same-sex couples, and does not allow the union to
be done, fulfilled, as the authorities are releasing today and even threatening
with jail if denied. The Things of God, have not changed and will
never change, and no matter modernity, time to go, because for God, His
commandments, laws and statutes, are eternal. Never change and
can be changed by man, and woe to those who do it. Jesus came for
sinners, for the sick, to heal, liberate and save everyone.
Him as the Son of Man did everything "that" it had to be done.
Their love, their dedication was something extraordinary: for He never
refused to meet whoever was to Him where He was born Unfortunately, the
expelled. For bothered some of the time: but his work, his love
has not changed. All had opportunities to repent, as there is
still time for that unfortunately still insists and persists in error, sin.
Jesus walked long walks in the desert, and also in boats, so that people
receive the blessings from the Lord. And his apostles were of
fundamental importance. They were prepared to continue the work
of the Lord, he could not stop, even with all the threats and harassment.
Jesus showed how a human being can be blessed and be victorious winner.
To have the best of God, which is salvation, deliverance, forgiveness,
love, born again, and a new creature. More unfortunately there
were those who chose to sin, death, and without Jesus. Because
they were rich and had many possessions, but that will not take anyone to
heaven for eternal life next to the "Father God" and forever, in the
best of God without sorrow, no pain, no gnashing of teeth and the glory of the
Lord Jesus also forever. And without needing anything, because
there we have everything for free. But only for those who are
saved and who repented and were forgiven their sins. The apostles
of Jesus paid a high price for serve him, but the higher price, "He,
Jesus" who was paid. He gave his life for us, that we did
not deserve. For we are sinners and ingrates. The
apostle John was very special for the coming of Jesus and the life, because he
was chosen even before birth, because it was a purpose of God. And
he came before to prepare and make straight the way and announce the coming of
the Savior of the world. The book of John is more thorough
because it has been separated well before being formed in the womb of his
mother. But God can do all things, and this is one more of these
things impossible to man.
Jesus knew he would be betrayed by one of his disciples, and his name is Judas
Iscariot. Jesus
did everything "what" that "Father God" had already
prepared for "He," for love. Yes: is not
a fake love, fake, with full of lies and hypocrisy. Everything
was already planned by God, and in time the Lord was going on. The
Scriptures had to be fulfilled through love and sacrifice of the Savior of the
world "Jesus." Everywhere He went, and wrought miracles
of healing, liberation and salvation, love and forgiveness hear, because all
this was already confirmed by God. Jesus was a faithful doer of
what God wanted, and that His Son, not refused to comply. For He
could say to the Father, "Father," I did nothing, I never lied and I
have not sinned, then why should I suffer and suffer because of this ungrateful
people, rebellious and sinful liar! But He did not do so; Jesus
simply did not open his mouth to blaspheme, murmuring, judge, condemn and
criticize anyone. He was subjected everything for love, even though
He could, send angels to deliver him that Cross death. But who
loves, forgives. Even with Jesus, much love, forgiveness needed
to be given to all, for the world to be delivered from the power of the devil.
Jesus fulfilled step by step all things, but before conumar, Him for
love, mercy, charity, kindness, and justice done "it" to which he was
not difficult, for He was God the Son, and had all the powers given by
"Father God" But the hour was approaching, and he would
have to go through the worst sufferings, pains, sorrows and humiliations.
The day came when He was betrayed and handed over to monsters, and idiots
at the time, because they would commit the worst act of injustice, terror,
humiliation. But before Jesus was handed over to his enemies,
"Jesus" in his worst moment of anguish, sadness and loneliness, had
no one to go pray with Him, and He did this three times, and all slept while
Jesus knowing what would happen in a few hours later, it was already written,
and nothing could be done: only Jesus could reverse this situation if he was
not denied in fulfillment of the Scriptures. But love, fidelity,
loyalty to the "Father" who had promised to deliver his only Son to
be the last living sacrifice, save, liberate and forgive mankind, because of
the infinite love of God to all of us in the past and in the present, which
includes the world today.
Unfortunately as the fateful day arrived. Jesus was kissed by the traitor, and the
officers arrested him: he began the martyrdom of the Savior who was beaten,
slapped, humiliated, cursed, kicked, put a crown of thorns on his head, He was
despised, despised, hated and then preached in Cruz along with criminal and
wicked sinner. And most gave him vinegar to drink mingled with
gall: but before Jesus died, the robber repented and asked Jesus to remember
him when he was in heaven, and the other chose to remain in sin that save.
And Jesus gave himself as a dying man's son, but was resurrected on the
third day as the Son of God. The Scriptures were fulfilled, and
Jesus was still on earth for forty days, and passed all information to his
apostles, so that they give effect to the "work" of the Lord.
Jesus in this short time he spent among mortals as a son of man, but
being the only Son of God, He performed many miracles of healing, deliverance,
salvation and raised the dead. And
at no time, he ceased to speak or meet someone: Jesus showed everyone that we
do not have respect to persons, and that we should not judge, criticize,
condemn, offend people, because we are not judges. What Jesus pediu a everyone was very simple.
"44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse
you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you and
persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; Matthew .
5:44 ". Jesus was and still is the greatest references
of love and forgiveness to all mankind. He was always humble and
simple, was never arrogant and never despised and belittled anyone. He
did not need anything, but had nothing and carried nothing of value, and that
He came to His disciples and apostles. Jesus also said that
through John, not Baptist, 1 John 1. "15 Love not the world,
neither the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the
love of the Father is not nele.16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the
flesh, the lust of the eyes and pride of life, is not from the Father but from
the world. 17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof:
but he that doeth the will of God abides forever. "He loved us first,
remember, called to love each other, and without distinction, really, no lies.
Here's what he told us in John 4. "7 Beloved, let us
love one another: for love is of God: and every one that loveth is born of God
and knows God. 8 He that loveth not knoweth not God, for God is
love. 9 In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because
that God sent his only Son into the world so that through him vivamos.10 Herein
is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent his Son to be
the propitiation for our sins. 11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we
also ought to love one outros.12 No one has ever seen God, if we love one
another, God dwelleth in us, and in us is your perfect love. 13
Hereby know we that we are in Him and He in us, because he hath given us of his
Spirit. 14 And we have seen and testify that the Father sent his
Son to be the Savior of the world. 15 Whosoever shall confess
that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God. 16
And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God
is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God in him. 17
Herein is our love made perfect with us, that the day of judgment we trust,
because as he is, so are we in this world. 18 There is no fear in
love, but perfect love casts out fear, because fear has with the penalty, and
who fears is not made perfect in love. 19 We love him because
he first loved us. 20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his
brother, is a liar. For he that loveth not his brother whom he
hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? 21 And this
commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.
Love is the commandment of God, and who loves, forgives. "He,
Jesus" without merit, loved us to the time of his death as son of man, and
after resurrecting his continued love, because He is immortalized, and will
continue to be loved for eternity. Jesus stood before climbing
with his apostles for forty days, and forgave Peter who denied three times
before the cock crows, not to be arrested along with Jesus. And
the apostles did everything "that" they did while Jesus was the son
of man, but being the Son of God. Peter and John were so blessed
that they passed had many healings and deliverances. But there
were also men of fidelity like Stephen who was stoned to death for not denying
Jesus, and became the first Martyr of the Bible. And Jesus, in
love, separated and Silas Saul for the work. And Saul who became
Paul was separated from the Lord, to suffer and to suffer for the sake of his
While Paul was Saul was the greatest persecutor of Christ's people, and
participated in the death of Stephen: but Jesus chose, and changed radically,
and Paul was one of the greatest preachers of the word of the Lord Jesus. From persecutor, he became
the hunted as his past condemned. But Paul went on to do the
reverse: instead of persecuting Christians he spent talking about love,
kindness, mercy of Jesus, and that everyone should follow Christ. The
apostles had no easy life, but were never abandoned by God, through His Son
Jesus Christ. Paul wrote over ten letters to various people, even
in prison he would not stop preaching to proclaim the gospel, to liberate, heal
and save entire families, through the waters of baptism and the Holy Spirit,
and the theme About Love, Forgive : went to the book of Revelation.
And the book of Revelation reveals and confirms
everything "that" some prophets wrote and sealed off to be opened by
the Lamb called "Jesus Christ." The book was written by John Apocalise,
not the Baptist, the Eagle of Patmos, as he was known. Very heavy
and horrible things happen and come, but still not the end. In
Revelation Jesus did not hide anything from anyone: just pass by the lake of
brimstone those who remain in sin, and who would not receive the Lord's
forgiveness. But the love of God through Jesus has not changed,
only be given to those who repent and turn to Christ, be baptized, and be a new
person after baptism. See what the Lord will do on the day of the
Last Judgment only for those who repent and sin left behind. It
says in Revelation. 21 "4 And God shall wipe your eyes all
tears, and there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the
former things are passed away. 5 And he that sat upon the throne
said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write:
for these words are true and faithful. 6 And he said unto me, It
is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.
The whoever is thirsty I will give of the fountain of the water of life.
7 He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he
shall be my son. 8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the
abominable, and murderers, and fornicators, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and
all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and
brimstone: which is the second death. " And so ends the book
Apocalispe, see what Jesus commanded John to write.
22. {...} 3 And there shall be no more curse: and it is the
throne of God and of the Lamb, and his servants shall serve him. 4
And they shall see his face, and in their foreheads will be your name. 5
And there shall be no night, and they need no candle, neither light of the sun,
for the Lord God gives them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever.
14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to
the tree of life, and may enter the city by the gates. 15 Outside
are the dogs and sorcerers, and prostitutes, and murderers, and idolaters, and
whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. 16 I Jesus have sent mine
angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the
root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star. 17
And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And
who is thirsty come, and whosoever will, take the free gift of the water of
life. 18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of
the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall
add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 And if anyone takes
words away from this book of prophecy, God shall take away his part from the
book of life, and of the holy city, and from the things which are written in
this book. 20 He who testifies to these things says, 'Surely I
come quickly. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. 21 The
grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen}
Noble readers (as) was thus the book Who loves,
forgives. Based
on the great love of God, Father, and the Son Jesus Christ, which was given by
the Father to save all mankind. Based on biblical examples I
tried to show everyone that love and forgiveness can never be taken apart.
Or you forgive or you're lying to yourself, because who loves,
forgives. And if you do not forgive, how to be forgiven! Have
you thought about it. This book is for all religions, no matter
who you are. It should rather be the difference between you
people and be a person of God makes all the difference. Thanks to all those who read this
review of the book About Love, Forgive. Do not know when I
publish the book because the main I have, which is money. You are
in God's time. If you want to help me publish the book, I accept
financial help to the book. May God bless you all, and that this
review will help you to release the short forgiveness is necessary because
About Love, Forgive. Jesus did this for us all and asked for
nothing in return, and did not deserve to be forgiven. For the
most part we sin knowingly. This
book review was written in January of 13 Campo Grande MS March 26, 2013 PS If you guys want to help me publish
this book in three languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish, and
the number of my bank account is: Caixa Economica Federal.
Account No. 0017 013 00180443-4
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Olá meus nobres leitores (as ) muito obrigado pela confiança e pelos mais de 44 mil acessos. Isto me torna com mais responsabilidades, e me obriga a fazer pesquisa cada vez mais seria, pois não posso baixar a qualidade, o nível da pesquisa. Estou muito feliz com todos vocês, e quero dizer que, meus temas são longos, para que todos venham ter um melhor aprendizado, e melhorem seus conhecimentos, pois nas igreja não terão tantas informações assim. se quiseram que eu desenvolva algum tema relacionado com a palavra de Deus, mandem algum recado que tentarei desenvolver. Fiquem com Deus todos vocês
em nome de Jesus.